SC9210 96 & 384 全自动移液工作站
2024-03-15 14:50  点击:630

SC9210 96 & 384 全自动移液工作站
SC9210 96 & 384 全自动移液工作站
SC9210 96 & 384 全自动移液工作站

能同时兼容 1/8/12/16/24/96/384 通道的液体处理

提供 0.5~20 μL、5~200 μL、10~300 μL、50~1250 μL、0.5~12.5 μL、5~125 μL 多个量程




SC9210 延续了其直观的操作和紧凑的设计,能够使用 24、96 和 384 通道移液头,以实

现更高的效率。SC9210 是一款开放设计的紧凑型全自动移液工作站,标配 8 个 SBS 标准

板位,具有高效、便捷、精准的特性,能同时兼容 1/8/16/24/96/384 通道的液体处理。

X/Y/Z 三轴运动,实现全方位操控。可放置选配件和符合 SBS 标准的 24/96/384 孔板 EP 管、


SC9210 集多种移液功能于一身,仅需单击运行,即可完成不同类型实验的切换。可一次

性处理 1/8/16/24/96/384 通道移液,完成微孔板间快速移液。选配试剂瓶适配器,方便从


Zworks 操作步骤简洁明了,简单培训即可上手操作,可实现无人值守,可自动更换吸头完

成实验操作,解放实验员的双手,确保实验技术的稳定性和可重复性。SC9210 同时兼容




为什么要选择 SC9210


• 灵活的量程范围 — SC9210 提供多种核心:0.5~20 μL、5~200 μL、10~300 μL、

50~1250 μL、0.5~12.5 μL、5~125 μL 具有出色的准确性和重复性。

• 可更换移液核心 — 工作站可配备 24/96/384 通道液体核心,多个可自由更换核心,完

成 0.5-1250 μL 体积的移液,一分钟即可完成更换核心,完美匹配您的应用需求。

• 准确、精准 — 精确工程设计, μ 级制造工艺,使 96 个活塞同步移动,每个通道都是


都物有所值。即使操作人员或环境发生变化,SC9210 也能保证实验的重复性。

• 三维移动 — 体积精巧且能前后、左右、上下三维移动,所以无需辅助,就能自动完成

转板(24 转 96、96 转 384)能灵活完成 1/8/12/16/24/96/384 通道的全自动液体处理。

• 体积小巧、节省空间 — 采用超紧凑和轻量化设计,便于在实验室中移动和置入超净台、



• 孔板分液速度的革命 — 12 倍于 8 通道排枪的效率,96 / 384 通道核心可一次性完成

96 / 384 等多种微孔板移液操作。无需辅助,一键完成装卸载吸头,加分样,混匀等动作;


• 精确控制 — ZWorks 其卓越的高自由度调度功能,可以容易地控制移液操作的每个细



• 图形化操作界面 — Pad 控制端,图形化的操作界面,直观易学,具有程序存储、孔板


• 完美耗材兼容 — 兼容大部分符合 SBS 标准的实验耗材、样品管、吸头盒、微孔板、储



以下示例阐述 SC9210 相关应用领域:

药学领域 :药物体外代谢 • 高通量筛选 • 化合物库 • 生物分析 • 细胞活性、毒性分析。

医学领域 :生物与样本库 • 免疫反应 • 诊断样本库 • 酶联免疫吸附测定。

生物学领域 :抗体实验 • 细胞组织培养 • 测序 • 引物合成。

检验检测领域 :CDC 疾控中心 • 食品药品检验 • 检验检疫中心,以及更多其他领域。

以下示例阐述 SC9210 相关应用案例:

• 单针挑样 • 板复制 • 试剂添加 • PCR 反应体系建立 • 单列或单排梯度稀释 • 化合

物添加 • 管到板格式重组 • MALDI 点样 • PCR 产物纯化 • ELISA • CE 分析制备 •

DNA/RNA 提取和纯化 • 细胞实验 • ADME 分析溶解度分析 • 测序 /NGS • 微阵列样品

制备 • DNA 样本均一化 • 蛋白纯化和酶解克隆分析 • 固相萃取磁分离 • 样本汇集液萃取等等。





利用 中析 吸头轻松地将 PCR/qPCR 试剂移液至 96 孔板中


在全部 96 孔中同时快速添加试剂并启动 / 停止反应



Luminex 分析

将缓冲液、抗体和其他溶液持续地添加至 Luminex 板


将传感器、生物分子和化合物快速、准确地添加至 96/384 孔板




通过 96 通道移液加速沉淀和纯化





细胞培养 siRNA 处理

轻松、准确地将 siRNAs 移液至培养板


采用准确的试剂,通过对至多 96 个样品移液分裂细胞


最多能同时对 384 个样品进行转移,只需要几秒钟即可完成整板的复制


对于 ELisa、PCR、DNA 的提取等涉及重复分液的实验进行整板添加



全新设计的 SC9210 各个方面都有了全面改进,从而可以为您提供最可靠的液体处理解决方


可靠的密封性及牢固性是高重复及无差错移液的关键, SC9210 采用了先进的弹性加载系统,





SC9210 在实际工作中的应用 




连续稀释,手动进行系列稀释需要专注和良好的移液技巧。SC9210 可确保连续稀释操作的可

重复性并避免错误的发生。使用 SC9210,可在每次转移后更换枪头,以最大限度减少附着在




SC9210 的自动化液体处理方案实际上涵盖了所有的研发应用。结合了先进的移液技术,能够



根据细胞实验研究显示,SC9210 能保证实验结果的稳定性和可靠性,且实验可重复。通过人

类肝脏稳定性筛选实验显示,SC9210 系统的能量和效率更高。SC9210 系统,可一次性完

成更高通量,加液准确,更好地评估化合物显示介质或在 120 分钟时间点的低净空,分析运



高质量设备与服务 基本技术规格 联系我们,获取更多技术信息。

仪器                    300μL 的 SC9210                   1250μL 的 SC9210

通道                    24 & 96 & 384 通道                 24 & 96 & 384 通道

体积增量                0.01 µL                            0.01 µL

孔板位置                1~2                                1~2

移液技术                气体活塞式                         气体活塞式

电源要求                100-240VAC,50-60Hz                100-240VAC,50-60Hz

控制器                  LCD彩色触摸屏                      LCD彩色触摸屏

最大功率                180W                               180W

工作温度                5-40℃                             5-40℃

尺寸 ( 长 x 宽 x 高 )   5位:60cmx30cmx56cm               5位:60cmx25cmx64cm



量程范围                通道               准确度            精密度

0.5~20 µL              96 通道            ± 1.5 %          ≤ 1.0 %

5~200 µL               96 通道            ± 1.2 %          ≤ 0.8 %

50~1000 µL             96 通道            ± 1.8 %          ≤ 0.8 %


环境条件:测试地点:QA 实验室;环境温度:15℃ ~24℃;空气相对湿度 55%~75% 不冷凝;气压:860hPa~1060hPa;实验液体:20℃蒸馏水;采用中析超低吸附吸头;采用正向移液;每次测试更换吸头;


订购信息 访问我们网站,查看所有可用的配件和耗材。

描述                                       货号 

SC9210 96 移液工作站,0.5~300 µL          S4730

SC9210 96 移液工作站,0.5~1250 µL         S4740

SC9210 384 移液工作站,0.5~125 µL         S4810

1 年度服务计划                            SF0100

2 年度服务计划                            SF0200

5 年度服务计划                            SF0500


描述                                        货号

96 通道移液头,0.5~20 μL                  SH0610

96 通道移液头,5~200 μL                   SH0630

96 通道移液头,10~300 μL                  SH0640

96 通道移液头,50~1250 μL                 SH0660

384 通道移液头,0.5~12.5 μL               SH0700

384 通道移液头,5~125 μL                  SH0720



描述               包装                     预灭菌    滤芯 预灭菌   低吸附 预灭菌    滤芯 低吸附 预灭菌

10μL 盒装吸头    96 支 / 盒,                T2142      T2152           T2162           T2172

10 盒 / 中盒,50 盒 / 箱

200μL 盒装吸头   96 支 / 盒,                T2342      T2352          T2362            T2372

10 盒 / 中盒,50 盒 / 箱  

1000μL 盒装吸头  96 支 / 盒,                T2442      T2452           T2462          T2472

10 盒 / 中盒,50 盒 / 箱

1250μL 盒装吸头  96 支 / 盒,                T2542      T2552           T2562           T2572

10 盒 / 中盒,50 盒 / 箱  



描述                        包装                             货号

平底储液槽(190mL)       5 块 / 袋,50 块 / 箱            D0160

8 道储液槽(22mL)        5 块 / 袋,50 块 / 箱            D2140

12 道储液槽(15mL)       5 块 / 袋,50 块 / 箱            D3130

96 道储液槽(195mL)      5 块 / 袋,50 块 / 箱            D6170

384 道储液槽(185mL)     5 块 / 袋,50 块 / 箱            D7150

















SC9210 96 & 384 fully automatic pipette workstation

Also compatible with liquid treatment in channel 1 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 24 / 96 / 384

Provides 0.5~20 μL, 5~200 μL, 10~300 μL, 50~1250 μL, 0.5~12.5 μL, 5~125 μL on multiple scales

Fully automated pipette system adapted to multiple pipette treatments

The tested and dependable automated pipette workstation can shorten the test cycle and work in systems of various sizes

Now maximizing the flux, the product line covers all research applications in the life sciences.

SC9210 continues its intuitive manipulation and compact design, capable of using 24,96, and 384 channel pipette heads for solid

It is now much more efficient.The SC9210 is an open-designed compact, fully automatic hydropipette station, standard with eight SBS standards

Plate position, with efficient, convenient, accurate characteristics, and is simultaneously compatible with 1 / 8 / 16 / 24 / 96 / 384 channel liquid treatment.

X/Y/Z three-axis motion, for comprehensive control.Options and 24 / 96 / 384-well plate EP pipe conforming to SBS

Centrifuge tube, reagent bottle, etc.; convenient self-supporting integration, such as integrated plate stack and mechanical arm.

SC9210 combines multiple pipette functions, and just click Run to switch between different types of experiments.But once

Sexual treatment in 1 / 8 / 16 / 24 / 96 / 384 channel to complete rapid pipettion between microplates.Optional reagent bottle adapter for convenience from

The original reagent bottles were sampled directly without pre-packaging.

Zworks operation steps are simple and clear, simple training can be started operation, can achieve unattended, can automatically replace the suction head

Into the experimental operation, to liberate the hands of the experimenter, to ensure the stability and repeatability of the experimental technology.The SC9210 is simultaneously compatible

Remote control for some special requirements of the experimental environment, the instrument can be placed in the ventilation closet, super clean table, etc., not only reduces the reality

Inspection of interference, can also ensure the safety of the experimenters.


Why choose the SC9210

What makes these devices so smart?

Flexible scale range — SC9210 offers multiple cores: 0.5~20 μL, 5~200 μL, 10~300 μL,

50~1250 μL, 0.5~12.5 μL, 5~125 μL has excellent accuracy and reproducibility.

Replacement pipette core-workstation can be equipped with 24 / 96 / 384 channel liquid core, multiple freely replacement cores, finished

In a 0.5-1250 μL volume, replace the core in one minute to perfectly match your application needs.

Accurate, accurate-accurate engineering design, grade μ manufacturing process, make 96 pistons move synchronously, each channel is

Separately, to exclude any cross-channel impact, inter-channel consistency provides high-quality analytical data for each study project

It's worth the money.SC9210 guarantees reproducibility of experiments even if the operator or environment changes.

3 D movement-exquisite volume and can move before and back, left and right, up and down, so it can be done automatically, without assistance

The transfer plate (24 rpm 96,96 rpm 384) can flexibly complete fully automatic liquid treatment in channel 1 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 26 / 96 / 384.

Small, space saving-ultra-compact and lightweight design for easy movement and placement in the lab

Ventilation cabinet, safety cabinet, etc.; for some special requirements, the use of wireless control instruments, not only reduced

Interference with the experiment can also ensure the safety of the experimenter.

The revolution of the liquid separation speed of the hole plate- -12 times the efficiency of the 8-channel gun discharge, and the 96 / 384-channel core can be completed at one time

96 / 384 Various microplates.Without assistance, one key to complete the loading and unloading suction head, additional samples, mixing and other actions;

Provide a removable secondary platform to reduce laboratory appliance operation.

Precise Control-ZWorks its excellent high degree of freedom scheduling function can easily control every fine of pipette operation

Sections, such as control volume calibration factor, pipette velocity, whether the suction head needs to touch the microplate wall, and precise control shift

Movement of liquid heads and suction heads in and out of consumables.

Graphical operation interface-Pad control end, graphical operation interface, intuitive and easy to learn, with program storage, hole plate

Memory and other functions, to ensure that is reproducible, reproducibility.

Perfect consumables compatibility-compatible with most experimental consumables, sample tubes, suction box, microplate, storage that meet SBS standards

Flutank, waste tank, etc.


Set a variety of pipette functions in one, just click Run to switch between different types of experiments.

The following examples illustrate the SC9210-related application areas:

Pharmacy: Cell activity and toxicity analysis of drug screening compound library bioanalysis.

Medical field: enzyme-linked immunosorbent determination of sample library.

Biology: primer synthesis for tissue culture of antibody experiments.

Inspection and testing field: CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention Food and Drug Inspection, Inspection and Quarantine Center, and more and other fields.

The following examples illustrate the SC9210-related application cases:

Single needle sample plate replication reagent supplemented with PCR reaction system to establish single or single row gradient dilution

Material added tubes to plate format recombinant MALDI dot-like PCR products purified for ELISA • CE analysis preparation

DNA/RNA extraction and purified cell assay ADME analysis for solubility analysis by sequencing / NGS • microarray samples

 DNA samples were normalized protein purified and enzymatic cloning analysis for solid phase extraction magnetic separation sample pooled liquid extraction, etc.

Technology                          Working principle

PCR, qPCR                           PCR/qPCR reagent was easily pived into 96-well plates using a medium suction head

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay    Reagent were quickly added and initiated / stopped in all 96 wells

Protein Crystallography             Apply the buffer to the well plate quickly for droplet suspension

Luminex analysis                    Buffers, antibodies, and other solutions were continuously added to the Luminex plates

Drug compound screening points      Sensors, biomolecules, and compounds were added quickly and accurately to 96 / 384-well plates

Sample preparation was sorted       Buffers, enzymes, and nucleic acids were also assigned

Clean clean samples                  Precipitation and purification were accelerated by a 96-channel pipette

Standard enzyme analysis            The enzyme, buffer and substrate were accurately and accurately to the pore plate

Cell culture settings               Create a copy board in seconds

Cells were cultured with            siRNAs was liquid easily and accurately transferred siRNA treatmentThe                 to the culture plate

Cell analysis                      Accurate reagents were used by dividing cells with up to 96 samples

Plate replication                  Up to 384 samples can be transferred simultaneously in only a few seconds to complete the entire plate

The reagent was added              Whole plate addition was performed for experiments involving repeated fluids such as extraction of ELisa, PCR, DNA


Let you have a more reliable experimental results

The new design of SC9210 in all aspects of SC9210 to give you the most reliable liquid handling solution

Case.With high accuracy and rock-solid continuous stability, you give you a reliable data result every time.

Reliable sealing and firmness are the key to high repetition and error-free fluid, SC9210 uses advanced elastic loading system,

When loading the head, the head is firmly locked to the pipette head, ensuring that they never accidentally fall off, even in the experiment you use the gun

The same is true of head to wall.

In addition, the system provides a perfect seal of the pipette channel to prevent uneven pipettes or leakage of samples.


Application of SC9210 in practical work

If you want to accelerate the pace of research and development, let's start from here

Like liquid treatment, microplate treatment is the core work of each R & D laboratory.Analysis can help you achieve every step of the microplate

Automation of the operations.

Continuous dilution, manual serial dilutions require focus and good pipette techniques.The SC9210 ensures that serial dilution operations are available

Repeatability and avoid errors.Using the SC9210, replaces the gun head after each transfer to minimize attachment to

Residues on the tip surface.

Well plate filling and reagent addition, the construction of the determination plate system usually requires the addition of multiple samples as well as buffer or medium.SC9210

Flexible countertop layout accommotubes, reservoir tanks and orifice plates, enabling multi-step transfer to the determination plate.

SC9210's automated liquid treatment scheme actually covers all R & D applications.Combined with advanced pipette techniques, the can

As always, to provide accurate, reliable performance.The unique open design allows it to use not only alone, but also on either of them

Other instruments are edge-connected for flexible integration.

According to the cellular experimental studies, SC9210 can ensure the stability and reliability of the experimental results, and the experiments are reproducible.Through people

Liver-like stability screening experiments showed a higher energy and efficiency of the SC9210 system.The SC9210 system, which can be completed at one time

Into higher throughput, rehydration accurately, to better assess the compound display medium or low clearance at a 120 min time point, analytical transport

The line time is greatly shortened.Pharmacokinetic analysis revealed the stability of experiments.


High quality consumables and services (part

Contact us for more technical information.


Instrument                 The SC9210 of 300 μL        The SC9210 of 1250 μL

Channel                    24 & 96 & 384                24 & 96 & 384

Volume increment           0.01 µL                      0.01 µL

Holplate position          1~2                          1~2

Pipette technology         gas piston type              gas piston type

Power supply requirement  100-240VAC,50-60Hz            100-240VAC,50-60Hz

Controller                LCD Color touch Screen        LCD color touch screen

Maximum power of          180W                          180W

Operating temperature     5-40℃                        5-40℃

Dimensions                5 bit: 60cmx30cmx56cm         5 bit: 60cmx25cmx64cm

(long x wide x high)


Measurement error

Range-range           channel            accuracy           precision

0.5~20 µL             96 channel         ± 1.5%            ≤ 1.0%

5~200 µL             96 channel          ± 1.2%           ≤ 0.8%

50~1000 µL           96 channel          ± 1.8%           ≤ 0.8%



Check the equipment as per the company's internal standard operating procedures (SOP).

Environmental conditions: test site: QA laboratory; ambient temperature: 15℃ ~24℃; air relative humidity 55%~75% 75% no condensate; air pressure: 860hPa~1060hPa; experimental liquid: 20℃ distilled water; intermediate analysis; forward pipette; suction head replaced for each test;


Order information visit our website to view all available accessories and consumables.

Describe                                         the shipment number

SC9200 96 Shipete Workstation,0.5~300 µL               S4730

SC9200 96 Shipete Workstation,0.5 ~ 1,250µL            S4740

SC9200 384 Shipete Workstation,0.5~125 µL              S4810

1 Annual Service Plan                                  SF0100

2 Annual Service Plan                                  SF0200

5 Annual Service Plan                                  SF0500


Describe                                         the cargo number

96 Channel pipette head, 0.5~20 μL                   SH0610

96 Channel pipette head, 5~200 μL                    SH0630

96 Channel pipette head, 10~300 μL                   SH0640

96 Channel pipette head, 50 ~ 1,250 μL               SH0660

384 Channel pipette head, 0.5~12.5 μL                SH0700

384 Channel pipette head, 5~125 μL                   SH0720


One-time suction head

Describe       the packaging      pre-sterilization   filter       low adsorption     low adsorption

                                           pre-sterilization  pre-sterilization    filter pre-sterilization

10 μL box with  96 pieces / box,     T2142        T2152          T2162           T2172

suction head     10 boxes / medium

boxes, 50 boxes / boxes

200 μL box with  96 pieces / box,    T2342        T2352          T2362           T2372

suction head      10 boxes / medium

 boxes, 50 boxes / boxes

1000 μL box with  96 pieces / box,   T2442        T2452          T2462           T2472

 suction head      10 boxes / medium

 boxes, 50 boxes / boxes

1250 μL box with  96 pieces / box,   T2542        T2552          T2562           T2572

suction head       10 boxes / medium

 boxes, 50 boxes / boxes

Reusable standard-type polypropylene storage tank

Description                        the packaging                   shipping number

Flat bottom storage tank (190mL)   5 pieces / bag, 50 pieces / box      D0160

Eight storage tanks (22mL)         5 blocks / bag, 50 blocks / box      D2140

12 Storage tanks (15mL)            5 blocks / bag, 50 blocks / box      D3130

96 Storage tanks (195mL)           5 blocks / bag, 50 blocks / box      D6170

384 Storage tank (185mL)           5 blocks / bag, 50 blocks / case     D7150











Suzhou Zhongxi Analysis Instrument Co., Ltd



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