betta蓄电池 德国 分公司()有限公司
2023-09-05 10:54  点击:631
betta蓄电池 德国 分公司()有限公司
betta蓄电池 德国 分公司()有限公司
betta蓄电池 德国 分公司()有限公司
Betta Batteries Lead Crystal Batteries是德国Lead Crystal™ 在大区授权成立的子公司,全权负责Betta Batteries Lead Crystal产品的销售推广和售后等服务!主要包括:6-CNFJ系列、EVFJ系列、CNFT系列等2 Volt Batteries、6Volt Batteries、8 Volt Batteries、12 Volt Batteries等。 Betta Batteries Lead Crystal Batteries铅晶体电池正被应用于所有传统的铅酸电池,如铅酸、铅凝胶和AGM电池。行业包括电信,UPS,石油化工/海洋,国防,可再生能源,医疗保健,制造业,运输和电动运动(轮椅,高尔夫球车和手推车),机器人,LED照明,车队和RV,娱乐4WD等。铅晶体电池性能优良 健壮、弹性、高性能。铅晶体®电池可以放电深,循环频繁(甚至在端的温度),并有较长的使用寿命相比,铅酸,铅凝胶和山姆(超级吸收剂马特)电池。铅晶体®电池恢复到满额定容量一次又一次。 铅晶体电池有独特的技术 独特的微孔超吸收剂麦特(山姆),高纯铅钙硒板,安全的SiO2电解质溶液,当充电/放电时固化成白色结晶粉末。 铅晶体电池清洁安全 酸少,无镉,无锑。铅晶体®电池多可回收百分之九十九(我们正在努力达到),并被列为非危险品,用于空运、海运和陆运。 铅晶体电池在应用中是多用途的 铅晶体®电池正在使用的所有行业中,传统的铅基电池,如铅酸,铅凝胶和山姆电池使用。一些行业包括电信、UPS、石油化工/海洋、国防、可再生能源、医疗保健、制造业、运输和
2 Volt Batteries

Our highest capacity, single cell Lead Crystal�0�3 Batteries offer exceptional performance in difficult environments. Suitable for Deep Discharge applications, such as Solar Storage, Telecoms base Station Cycling, Electricity Sub Station Switchgear Backup (110V), Generator/ Battery Hybrid or for Datacentre / NOC UPS Backup solutions.


With capacities from 200Ah to 3000Ah, our 2V range bridges the high temperature performance gap between traditional VRLA and more expensive solutions such as Ni-Cad. With a design life of 18yrs, Cycling at 1500+ cycles at 80% DOD and with a 2 year shelf life, Lead Crystal�0�3 Batteries will save CAPEX and OPEX in any application.

 6 Volt Batteries

Suitable for use in many UPS, Emergency Lighting, Fire and Intruder detection panels, Home Alarm systems, Kids Electric Cars and thousands of other applications, our popular 6V range comes in a variety of sizes from 4Ah through to a massive 200Ah.

Although the sizes are the same as most commonly used batteries, Lead Crystal�0�3 Batteries are typically 10% heavier than a comparable good quality Sealed Lead Acid battery. This is because we have more, purer lead, a thicker cell connecting bar for smoother power delivery and more power packed inside.



 12 Volt Batteries

With a comprehensive range of 12V batteries, Lead Crystal�0�3 Batteries will have solution to fit your needs. Don't worry if you can't see the same size battery you are using right now as Lead Crystal�0�3 Batteries will deliver more power with a smaller battery form factor.

More Power, Longer Life, Higher Charge Efficiency, Longer Run Time & High Heat Resilience 

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地址: 北京市海淀区中关村科技园A区203