进口气体涡轮流量计 美国RETZ瑞茨
2024-06-14 15:32  点击:136


进口气体涡轮流量计产品用途 Product use

气体涡轮流量计综合了气体力学、流体力学、电磁学等理论而自行研制的集温度、压力、流量传感器和智能流量积算仪于一体的新一代高精度、高可靠性的气体精密计量仪表,具有出色的低压和高压计量性能,多种信号输出方式以及对流体扰动低敏感性,广泛适用于天然气、煤制气、液化气、轻烃气体等气体的计量retz The gas turbine flowmeter is a new generation of high-precision and highly reliable gas precision metering instrument that integrates temperature, pressure, flow sensors, and intelligent flow totalizer and is self-developed based on theories such as gas mechanics, fluid mechanics, and electromagnetism. It has excellent low pressure and high pressure metering performance, multiple signal output modes, and low sensitivity to fluid disturbances. It is widely used in natural gas, coal gas, liquefied gas Metering of gases such as light hydrocarbon gases

进口气体涡轮流量计结构特点 Structural features

1.集微处理器、流量传感器、高精度温度、压力传感器于一体,直接测量被测气体的流量、温度、压力,并自动进行流量跟踪补偿和压缩因子运算 Integrating microprocessors, flow sensors, high-precision temperature and pressure sensors, it directly measures the flow, temperature, and pressure of the measured gas, and automatically performs flow tracking compensation and compression factor calculation

2.采用低功耗设计,可用锂电池供电,电池可连续适用2年以上;同时也可外接电源 It adopts a low-power design and can be powered by a lithium battery, which can be continuously used for more than 2 years; It can also be connected to an external power supply

3.仪表具有脉冲信号、模拟信号输出,可通过RS485通讯接口或采用GPRS系统,直接实现计算机数据的集中采集和实时管理 The instrument has pulse signal and analog signal output, which can directly achieve centralized collection and real-time management of computer data through RS485 communication interface or GPRS system

4.液晶显示屏,读数直观方便,可同时显示标况瞬时流量、工况瞬时流量、标况累积流量以及测量介质的温度、压力等参数 Liquid crystal display screen, intuitive and convenient reading, can simultaneously display the instantaneous flow rate under standard conditions, the instantaneous flow rate under standard conditions, the cumulative flow rate under standard conditions, and the temperature, pressure, and other parameters of the measuring medium

5.具有实时数据储存功能,可防止仪表突然掉电时数据丢失,在停电状态下,可长久保存 With real-time data storage function, it can prevent data loss when the instrument suddenly loses power, and can be stored for a long time in case of power failure

进口气体涡轮流量计技术参数Technical parameter

执行标准     封闭管道中气体流量的测量——涡轮流量计(CG/T18940-2003)

精度等级  ±1.5%R、±1%R

量程比         1:10~1:30

仪表材质  表体:304不锈钢或铸铝,叶轮:优质铝合金,转换器:铸铝         

使用条件     环境温度: -25~+80°℃;相对湿度:5%~95%;介质温度: -20~+60°℃;大气压力:86kPa~106kPa

防护等级  IP65

工作电源     A.外电源:+24VDC±15%,纹波≤±5%,适用于4-20mA输出、脉冲输出、RS485等

B. 内电源:1组3.6VDC锂电池

信号输出  脉冲信号、4-20mA电流信号、控制信号

通讯输出     RS485通讯

实时记录  日记录、定时间间隔记录

信号接口     内螺纹M20×1.5或其他

防爆等级  Exia IIC T4 Ga

状态:离线 发送信件 在线交谈